Sleeve Gastrectomy
80-85% of the stomach is removed, leaving only a small stomach roughly the size of a banana. This surgery reduces the amount of food and water that can fit in your stomach, making you feel full sooner. Taking out part of your stomach may also affect gut hormones and metabolism.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
A small stomach pouch is created and is attached to the small intestine to allow food to bypass a certain part of the small intestine. This reduces your body's ability to absorb nutrients and calories. This procedure can be reversed.
Single Anastomosis Duodenal Jejunal Bypass
This surgery is a modification of Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS). There are two parts to this procedure. The sleeve gastrectomy restrict your food intake. The BPD-DS component forces malabsorption. Food bypass a certain part of the small intestine. This reduces your body's ability to absorb nutrients and calories.
Our preferred approach is either 3 ports or single port laparoscopic surgery for up to BMI 60. We rarely perform bariatric surgery with more than 4 ports